Our THC Weed Wax is about 98% THC and is made with 7X filtered butane. It was purges on NoGoo sheets and has no harshness at all. You must have a proper dabbing rig to do weed WAX properly. You can not roll it in a joint, and you can not smoke it in a bong. It is possible to use charcoal but you need to be experienced or I wouldn't suggest it with something so expensive.
All THC weed extracts are basically the same THC content but are in different forms. Think of it as water, ice, snow. Its the same idea, you have THC Weed Oil "Water", THC Weed Wax "Snow", THC Weed Shatter "Ice".
Its all the same thing, just in different states because of the environment it was made in. Like ice, shatter takes the longest to make because all the moisture needs to be evaporated under heavy vacuum over a long period of time 12 - 15 hrs. Its very hard on equipment to make shatter and is the reason its not available all the time.... The machines keep breaking lol.